Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find our answers to frequently asked questions. Contact us if you’d like to know more.


Your donation will be used for everything that’s related to the planting of and caretaking of our plants. Alongside, donations are used to buy necessary materials, such as natural fertilizers, solar panels, and growth boxes.

Local farmers take care of our trees. In order for them to do this successfully, we engage and train them. Local farmers can earn a stable income from the project.

Local communities are the custodians of our trees. Therefore, the produce goes to them.

The time between your donation and the moment we actually plant the tree varies depending on the type of plant you have chosen (plant v.s. sapling), the region that we’re currently active in and the time of the year. In order to increase the survivability rate of our plants, planting usually happens when the soil provides the best conditions for survival.

In order to guarantee the long-term success of the projects, we are continuously engaged with our partners to monitor our projects. We require regular reporting, photos and videos at several stages of the project. Alongside, all of our plants will be registered in the Foresteer database, where we can track which species are planted, the survival rate, the planting area, and the benefits provided to local communities.

Yes! Please contact us for more information.

We do not process refunds on donations.

In each of our projects, experts use their knowledge, science and data to identify the land that is in greatest need of reforestation. Therefore, you won’t be able to choose a tree-planting location.

You can donate from anywhere.

Become a Friend of Foresteer

Greening the desert is a challenging task. We need your help.
Become a friend of Foresteer and help us plant millions of trees worldwide.

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