About Us

Our Mission

Developing the concept of Foresteer started in 2018 with a clear mission: Planting millions of trees with local and international communities. To help nature recover by creating forests and improving the soil in some of the driest and most challenging areas in the world.

We’ve chosen to work with the driest areas because that’s where we can achieve the biggest impact. By planting trees, local communities get a great number of benefits. With the newly created “Green Spots”, they will, for example, be able to create a variety of nutritional foods, will get clean drinking water, and get new job opportunities. But above all, planting trees in areas that need them the most is beneficial for everyone.



  • We have established the Foresteer in the Netherlands
  • Alongside, we are completing the first pilot projects. In these projects, we focus on permaculture (food) forests.
  • Start planting 5 acres of desert land.
  • Planted over 1000 trees.


  • Large-scale promotion of the Foresteer concept and mission.
  • Create 4 nurseries.
  • Start planting 65 acres of desert land.
  • Add accommodations for workers and volunteers who will develop and maintain the forests in the desert.
  • Work with local governments to reclaim desert land and turn them into forests.
  • Purchase tropical forests and protect them for future generations.

2023 and later

  • Develop a tree database in which Foresteer supporters can track the growth of their trees.
  • Create water for irrigation using solar energy, salty or seawater, and the newest technologies.

We Make a Difference

Tree icon copy

Green Spots located in Siwa Oasis

sustainable projects

Trees planted in the desert areas. The goal is millions.


Valuable partnerships


Tonnes (1000 kg) CO2 compensated


Years of research, concept development and planting trees

Become a Friend of Foresteer

Greening the desert is a challenging task. We need your help.
Become a friend of Foresteer and help us plant millions of trees worldwide.

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